
Ok so I can see now that I’m going to have to label the toilet posts cos there’s gonna be a whole slew of them eventually. It’s becoming compulsive.

Up till now, I never saw a UK sanitary disposal unit I didn’t hate. This SDU is no better or worse than its peers, but it’s the placement I find could not go without comment. Yes, in a public toilet in York, amidst crazed Christmas shoppers, I found SDU nirvana. Notice the butt and leg space around the SDU, which is placed at – dare I say it – a rakish angle. I never thought I’d see that.

Sanitary disposal units are a money-making, period shaming, hygiene-fear scam at best, and, in tiny cubicles designed by people who just don’t think, most are a practical irritant as well. As you can see, though, the spacious cubicles in York are worth the 20 pence entry charge. (Although both times I used the public conveniences there, a different nice old lady clandestinely held the door open so I wouldn’t have to pay. Thanks for the hook ups, old ladies of York!)

You’d think that for once, I wouldn’t feel I had to photograph a toilet, but my lack of ire was so thoroughly replaced by self-righteous joy that I had to take a ‘well done’ picture and post it here, in case any public toilet designers see this blog and take note.

Ironically, this was the only un-crowded area of York last Saturday.


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